
Weather Conditions

I get phone calls all the time from loved ones back in Virginia asking if we are okay due to the latest weather conditions. It may not be snow, but it's intense in it's own right.

Living in Arizona I sort of feel like an Amazon women. I am faced with scorpions, rattlesnakes, lizards, monsoons, haboobs, flash floods, rude people(sorry, I've gotten off subject) on a daily basis. Okay, maybe not daily. Okay, I've never seen a scorpion BUT it could happen any day now and when it does, I'm ready!
The weather here is unlike anything I've ever seen especially when it comes to the major dust storms called 'Haboobs'. Right before one hits the skies and mountains will be noticeably clearer, as if God takes an eraser and smooths out all the imperfections in the land. Before long the mountains start disappearing from sight, then the cactus's around the house. The fierce winds turn chairs over and last time it roped Roman's tree swing around the tree.
Once the dust storm is over rain follows, that's where the flash floods come in. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen.
These are pictures from our last Haboob, August 18th, 2011. The first picture is right before, when the mountains start disappearing. Then after, Roman and I playing in the rain, you can still see the wind blowing the bushes in the background.

There are mountains back there.

Roman and I playing in the rain..yes, he is starting to walk! The sun comes back out as soon as the dust is gone.

The mountains are back and so are the rainbows:) The beauties of weather.

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